October 12, 2011

drink up

Yes, because it's always good to
knock one back while in the car.
This past weekend, October 8th and 9th, was the annual Cape May Wine Festival held in between West and North Cape May on the docking grounds of the Cape May-Lewes Ferry. This ferry connects New Jersey and Delaware in a neat 17 miles. I don't remember ever being here before and quite enjoyed the landscape and view. Even the ferry terminal was quite charming and had the feel of a small modern European airport.
The festival was both well run and well attended. The lines to enter were moving fast and once paid and inside you were given a complimentary tasting glass and were on your way. There were over 30 vendors pouring their product and we got right in the mix and did some sampling. Soon after that we found a lazy spot to set our chairs down, camping right along the water while enjoying an array of food from the local vendors. While people watching and drinking in the scenery and the bottle of blush wine we purchased, I was looking around at the veterans of this event and making mental notes for next year. People came prepared with wine keys, there were picnic set ups of elaborate cheese and fruit plates, a group beside us were even making their own sangria. All in all a top notch afternoon.

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