August 29, 2014

settling in

In the past two months I have started to call Athens, Ga my home. It's been a pretty immense adjustment for me as someone who has never relocated in their entire life. More importantly it has been a magnific learning experience. Most especially about myself.

After a month of unpacking, taking it easy, getting my bearings and creating a sense of home, I finally started working. Work will snap you right out of any vacation-like state and I welcomed that. For me it was time. It feels good to not only be making money but having a bit of a focus and schedule.

In an attempt to understand the layout of this town I started exploring it by going out early in the mornings, before the temperature rose too high, for a brisk walk. Along the way I really fell in love with all the fetching cottages, bungalows and domiciles and started documenting them via snapshot on my trusty iPhone. This simple act and pleasure lead to a photo essay that was recently published by one of Athens local guides, The Broad Collective. I couldn't be happier about this collaboration. It really gives me a sense of being a part of my new town. Please feel free to have a look HERE.

1 comment:

gillian chadwick said...

Love it! Congratulations on taking the leap, lady. It's such a brave action and even when it's challenging the rewards of personal growth illuminate everything. Welcome to the Philly expat community :) Your photos and words are inspiring as with a new flavor <3