October 16, 2013

poster girl

I have always had an affinity and fascination with photographs, photography, cameras and the captured image which I lend to being raised by a mother who always had her camera near by and at the ready. At my parents, there are volumes of photo albums filled with stories of family vacations, birthdays, holidays, new babies, parties and quiet days at home. These images have created and solidified memories for me and they continue to have me capturing images and making new memories of my own. I was given my own camera around the age eight, a Kodak 110. I used it for the first time on a vacation to Disney World and soon after at a two week sleep over summer camp. I still have my early snapshots and enjoy flipping through all the dimly lit, blurry goodness.

Recently, while browsing images online, "The Kodak Girl" caught my attention. This was what the gents at Eastman Kodak conjured up to market their cameras specifically to women. How fascinating. Understandably, the underlying message here was that these cameras were so easy to use even a woman could do it. But instead of dumbing anything down, these advertisements show such strong and exciting examples of women. These ladies are adventurers, world travelers, fashion plates, mothers, wives, girlfriends. They are lone wolves, out seeking landscapes and scenery. They are happy. They are seeing the world. They are making memories. They inspire me so.


Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

I love old photos and its crazy how Kodak marketed toward women and adore the ads. I think what I love most about old photos is that capturing a moment in time- what seems like so long ago but the people are young and vibrant and so full of life.

Milla said...

hecks yeah! Love this post! oh feminism, modern life, oh the promise of it...sometimes it would be sweet to travel back to these times, eh?